Data Structures and Algorithms in Java


Data Structures and Algorithms in Java

Price : $35.00

This lesson is E-learning lesson.

About the Class

  • Class Level: Intermediate
  • Age Requirement: 15 to 99 years

What You'll Learn

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Know the basics of Object Oriented Programming
  • Use all the syntax of Java programming language with ease
  • Know about the data structures and algorithms used in computer programming
  • Understand the way in which data is stored or arranged in your computer memory
  • Know more techniques in data structures and algorithms

Prerequisites for taking this course

You need to have a basic knowledge in programming. You need to know the basics of computer. If you wanted to run the example programs then you need to have MS-DOS in Microsoft windows or a similar text based environment.

Target audience for this course

IT professionals who are dealing with Java programming can take up this course. Computer science students and anyone who is interested in learning about the Data structures and Algorithms in Java can also take up this course.

Course Description

  • Section 1: Introduction to Data Structure
    Course Structure for DSA
    This section gives a brief introduction to the Java programming language, Data structures, and algorithms in Java. The section also includes the definition for few of the frequently used terms in this course like database, record, field, key and others.
    More Details on DSA
    This chapter tells you what are the information which will be covered in this course about data structures and algorithms in Java. It gives a chapter wise brief introduction.
  • Section 2: Classes and Objects
    Java Objects and Classes
    In this chapter, we will see what are objects and classes in Java. The object includes Methods and Variables. The other topics included in this section are
    Creating and using objects
    The Dot Operator
    Defining a Class
    Modifiers – Access control, Static, Abstract, Final
    Declaring Instance variables
    Declaring Methods
    Different Types of Code Constructor
    Constructors are used to initializing a newly created class. The section also explains the different types of constructors like a class constructor, Code constructor and argument constructor with examples of Java programs for easy understanding.
    Java Keywords and Java Comments
    This section gives a list of keywords in the Java Programming language. There are around 50 keywords in Java and each is explained with a brief description and an example.
    Basic Java Commands are also included in this section explained using a simple Java program.
    Sources File Declaration Rules
    In this chapter, you will learn how to write a source file in Java, the behavior of Java compiler and JVM in running and compilation.
    Java Basic Data Types
    Basically, there are two data types in Java – Primitive and Reference/Object Data Type. Primitive data types are divided into eight and include Byte, short, int, long, float, double, boolean and char. Each data type is given in detail with an example.
  • Section 3: Decision Making
    Decision Making
    Decision-making structure in Java is where a condition is to be tested by the program and if the result of the condition is true then the particular set of statements are to be executed and if the condition fails then the other set of statements are to be executed. The decision-making structure is explained with a simple program.
    The different decision-making statements are if statement, If else statement, nested statement and switch statement. All these statements are given in detail in this chapter.
    Switch Case Program
    The switch statement lets a variable to be tested for equality against a set of values. An example program is given for easy reference.
    Java Loops and Control System
    Loop statement in Java helps to execute a statement a multiple numbers of times in the programming. There is a different type of loops available in Java – while loop, for loop and do while loop. This section contains an explanation for these loops.
    Loop control statements change the execution method from its normal way. Break statement and continue statement are different control structures.
  • Section 4: Numbers Class
    Java Number
    Numbers use primitive data type often. These are called wrapper classes which come under the number. There are a lot of instance methods that are used under number class. These methods are mentioned with a brief description in this chapter. Few methods are compareTo(), equals(), valueof() and others.
    Java Lang Math
    Java Lang Math is again a wrapper class which is explained in this section
  • Section 5: Character class
    Java Character Class
    This chapter contains the following topics under it
    What is a character class
    Escape sequences and example
    Character Methods and example
    Java Lang Character – Eclipse
  • Section 6: String Class
    Java String
    Strings are a sequence of characters in Java. Java offers the string class to create and manipulate strings. The major topics included under this section are
    Creating strings
    String Length
    Concatenating strings
    Creating format strings
    String methods
  • Section 7: Arrays
    String Fundamentals
    This section again explains the fundamentals of using a string in Java programming language.
    Array to for Each Iteration
    In this chapter, you will learn how to use the for-each loop in Java with arrays.
  • Section 8: Advanced Arrays
    Java Array
    An array is a storage place which stores a sequential collection of elements which are of the same type. This tutorial contains the following subheadings
    Declaring Array variables
    Creating arrays
    Processing arrays with example
    The for each loop
    Passing arrays to methods
    Returning an array from a method
    The arrays class
    Java Date and Time
    The date class in Java is available in java.util package and has two constructors. The different methods of data class are also explained in detail in this section. The other topics included are
    Getting current date and time
    Date comparison
    Date formatting
    Date format codes
    Date and Time conversion characters
    Parsing strings into dates
    Measuring elapsed time
    Sleeping for a while
    Gregorian calendar class
  • Section 9: Regular Expressions
    Java Regular Expression
    Regular expression helps to find out matches of strings or set of strings using a special syntax. It can also be used to edit or manipulate the data. There are three main classes – Pattern class, Matcher class, and PatternSyntax Exception.
    Long String and String stream
    This section helps you to understand how to convert String into an InputStream in Java.
    Or Clause Situation
    This section explains how the AND or OR in IF statement is used in Java. Examples are given for reference.
    Example of Pattern Matching
    Java has a package for pattern matching under regular expressions. This is explained under this section with few examples for easy understanding.
    Study Methods
    Study method reviews the string and returns a boolean value saying that the pattern is correct or not. This concept is explained in this chapter.
    Append Replacement and Tail Method
    The matcher class provides an appendReplacement and appendTail method which is used for text replacement. These two methods are given with examples in this tutorial.
    Java Methods
    Java methods are a collection of statements used to perform an operation. The other topics included under this chapter are
    Creating methods with example program
    Method calling
    The Void Keyword
    Passing Parameters By Value
    Method overloading
    Using Command line arguments
    The this keyword
    The constructors
    Variable arguments
    Finalize method
  • Section 10: Methods and File IO
    Different Types of Methods in Eclipse
    This chapter explains what is an eclipse in java and the different perspectives of the eclipse. It also lets you learn how to install, configure and run eclipse in Java
    Java Files Input and Output
    Streams represent a sequence of data. The two kinds of streams InputStream and OutputStream are explained in detail under this section. This chapter also includes the following subheadings in detail with examples wherever needed.
    Byte streams
    Character streams
    Standard streams
    Reading and writing files
    File InputStream
    File OutputStream
    File navigation and I/O
    Creating and listing directories in Java
    Java Exceptions
    An exception arises during the execution of a problem in Java. The exception occurs because of various reasons. Three types of exceptions are Checked Exceptions, Unchecked Exceptions, and Errors. The exception hierarchy and exception methods are also explained in detail in this chapter.
  • Section 11: OOPS Concepts
    Object Oriented Concept
    In this section, we will learn about basics of OOPS, the concepts of OOPs in Java and advantages of OOPs.
    Using The Super Keyword
    The super keyword is a reference variable in Java which is used to refer parent class object. It includes the usage of Java super keyword
    Virtual Methods
    Virtual function or virtual method is an overridable function in Java. It is an important part of OOPs. The concept of virtual function is explained in detail under this chapter with examples.
    Java Inheritance
    Inheritance means the process through which the properties of one class is acquired by another. The types of inheritance are demonstrated in this chapter.
    Rules for Methods Overriding
    This section explains what is overriding in Java, benefits of overriding, rules for method overriding and using the super keyword with an example.
    Introduction Java Abstraction
    Here you will learn what is an abstraction, abstract classes, inheriting the abstract class and abstract methods with an example.
    Java Encapsulation
    Encapsulation is one among the four concepts of OOP. This section explains the meaning of encapsulation in Java and the benefits of encapsulation.
    Java Interfaces
    The interface is a reference type in Java and is a collection of abstract methods. The other topics included in this section are
    Declaring interfaces
    Implementing Interfaces
    Extending interfaces
    Extending Multiple Interfaces
    Tagging Interfaces
    Java Packages
    Package means a grouping of related terms. The chapter includes the following topics
    Creating a package
    Import Keyword
    Directory structure of packages
    Collections In Java
    Under this chapter, the collection framework is explained along with its goals. The several interfaces of the collection framework are also included under this chapter.
  • Section 12: Multi-Threading Overview
    Contents of Multi-Threading Overview
    A multi-thread program can handle a variety of tasks at the same time. The other topics included are
    Life Cycle of a thread
    Create Thread by Implementing Runnable Interface
    Create Thread by Extending Thread Class
    Methods of Threads
    Java Multithreading concepts
    Concurrent Access of Data
  • Section 13: Concurrency
    Java Concurrency Multi-Threading
    Multithreading means there will be multiple threads of execution inside a single program. It is a great way to increase the performance of the program. An example of Java Concurrency Multi-Threading is also included in this chapter.
  • Section 14: Types of Concurrency
    Multi-Threading Benefits
    This chapter includes the benefits of multithreading in Java.
    Concurrency Models
    In this chapter we will see what is concurrency model, parallel workers of concurrency model, types of concurrency models, assembly line, Job ordering is possible and the different types of concurrency models.

FAQ’s General Questions

  • Who can take the Java training?
    This course is open for working professionals, current graduates of computer science field and also to anyone who is interested in learning this language. You don’t necessarily need to have a prior programming experience
  • What will I be able to do after completing this course?
    You will be able to write and test Java programs on your own. You will also be able to solve computational problems in Java in a new approach. It will improve your career and job performance.

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Together with eduCBA, we bring you an amazing course on Data Structures and Algorithms in Java.

In-depth Conceptual Analysis and Programming hands on in Data Structure and Algorithm in Java.

Java Language

Java is a modern object-oriented programming language. The Java language is more easy language when compared to C and C++. A lot of websites and applications are running using Java as it is fast, secure and reliable. Java is free to download

What are Data Structures and Algorithms in Java

Data structure means an arrangement of data in a system’s memory. The characteristic of the data structure includes Array, Ordered Array, Stack, Queue, Linked list, Binary tree, Red Black tree, 2-3-4 tree, Hashtable, Heap, and Graph. Each of these characteristics of data structures has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Algorithm means manipulating the data in these structures in different ways. The important algorithm category is sorting the data. There are several ways to sort the data. Recursion is an important concept in designing certain algorithm.

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A: Once you've confirmed payment for the lessons of your choice, you will receive an email confirmation from us, letting you know the date, time and location of the lesson. On the day itself, simply present the email confirmation to the lesson provider and you will be able to attend the lesson!

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Q: Do the fees include equipment and location rentals (if necessary)?
A: While some lesson providers will include equipment and facility bookings with the fee, others might not. Don't worry though, the pricing information is clearly stated on each listing and will also note what is or is not included. If you are still in doubt after checking the listing, you can email us at and we will clarify the issue for you.

Q: What happens if I pay for a lesson and the lesson provider cancels or doesn't respond?
A: Don't worry! If the lesson is cancelled or if you are unable to get a response from the lesson provider, email us at and we will refund you 100% of the fees you paid.

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A: Yes! Learning is always an experience best shared. It's also a great activity to bond over! If you have others who are interested in attending the lesson as well, simply book the appropriate number of slots for the lesson and they can accompany you. Book fast though! Most lessons only have a limited number of slots available and if you aren't fast enough, you might not be able to secure the slots for them!

Q: Should I leave a review after I've attended the lesson?
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Q: Are you Baking and Cooking courses Halal certified?
A: Halal certification is a type of certification given only to restaurants. Most of our classes use pork free ingredients. For more information, please get in touch with us to find out more!

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